Importance of using a professional emergency telephone number when transporting dangerous goods
Did you know that when shipping a dangerous product abroad, it is necessary to track the shipment using a series of specific documents? In addition, the Safety Data Sheet (or “SDS”) for the transported goods must be made available.
A dangerous product is considered to be those loads that, due to their nature, can damage other loads or means of transport, as well as cause accidents or put the lives of those handling them at risk.
According to US law 49 CFR § 172.604, when transporting this type of cargo, it is necessary to use an emergency number on the main shipping documents, in order to provide first aid information in the event of an accident. Also according to the law, it is not necessary to hire a professional provider, but it is extremely important that the number:
- Operate in the local territory;
- Be available 24 hours a day;
- Answer in English.
Countries such as Brazil and Mexico have similar requirements for regulating the transportation of dangerous goods, since in the event of an emergency, a quick and correct response via telephone is required. Efficiency in these situations can make all the difference between a controlled accident and a possible tragedy.
When analyzing a sample of SDSs prepared by Brazilian companies, CHEMTREC identified some points that make companies more susceptible to risks. Check out below what they are and what they can lead to.
Not having a 24-hour emergency number
Many companies end up adopting the 0800 service based in Brazil. Therefore, since it is a local number, it will not provide service to the United States, for example, even if it has the code +55. In these cases, if there is an inspection and the phone does not ring, the company may be fined US$ 3,200.
The same applies to those who include their personal number, with code +55, as an emergency telephone number in the Safety Data Sheet of dangerous goods. This is because, even if a working number is included, there is still a high risk that the call will not be answered, especially outside of business hours or during the early hours of the morning. A survey conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Agency (FMCSA) showed that 80% of the personal numbers included in the SDS fail to provide emergency service.
Correct response in a timely manner
In cases of accidents and emergencies, it is of utmost importance that the entire environment is conducive to ensuring that the correct response reaches the target in the shortest possible time.
To this end, it is important to have people on hand to provide 24-hour assistance, who must be fluent in English or Spanish, as well as know all emergency procedures and protocols by heart, in order to mitigate the accident.
CHEMTREC can help you
As we have seen, in addition to putting the lives of your employees or third parties who will handle your cargo at risk, accidents that occur when transporting dangerous products can also cause social, environmental, financial and image damage to your company. And having a professional emergency telephone number when transporting dangerous products is essential to help calm the situation and, if possible, save lives.
With 49 years in the market, CHEMTREC is the global partner for companies that produce, transport and handle dangerous goods. We have a global emergency response service, to which, upon signing up, your company will have the right to use one or more CHEMTREC emergency telephone numbers.
Through this, you will have 24-hour support from trained emergency services specialists; worldwide dispatch coverage; translation service in over 240 languages, immediate accident notification and much more!
Do you have any questions? Contact us by phone (11) 97029-4362 (ask for Alberto Rossi), or by email You can also access our CHEMTREC online customer service center, talk to one of our analysts and make your assessment now.
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