Distributors and Resellers
Hazmat Safety Priorities for Disributors and Resellers
Health, Safety, Security, and Sustainability Risks
Beyond regulatory compliance, the distribution or resale of hazardous materials and dangerous goods carries health, safety, security and sustainability risks, requiring management at a corporate level, including:
- People, Environment, Assets and Reputation (PEAR) risks
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) risks
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks
- Responsible Care® risks
- Business Continuity (BC) risks
Organizations involved in the distribution or resale of hazardous materials and dangerous goods have the responsibility of complying with various regulations surrounding the safe handling of chemicals and other hazmat, training of their staff and, incident preparedness, response, and recovery.
The products involved may have classifiable hazards under the supply regulations and/or may be classified as hazardous materials/dangerous goods for transportation under one or more transport mode. Compliance support across multiple jurisdictions is therefore required.
From our experience, organizations in the distribution or resale sector find the following CHEMTREC services valuable to manage and mitigate their organizational risks as well as help them comply with regulations:
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