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16 Days of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

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December 13, 2023

Our latest social media campaign, “16 Days of SDS,” provides a deep dive into the 16 sections of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Each day we unwrap new details about each of the sections and identify the key elements that make up this important document. Read through the details of each section to enhance your safety knowledge and discover how CHEMTREC can better assist you and your company’s safety needs. 

Day 1

On the 1st Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Identification! 

This section is crucial for quickly identifying the product and supplier contact information. It includes the product identifier, recommended use and restrictions on use, supplier information and emergency telephone number. Are you a CHEMTREC emergency response information (ERI) customer? Here’s an example of how to display our emergency contact information: 

For Hazardous Materials or Dangerous Goods Incident Spill, Leak, Fire, Exposure, or Accident Call CHEMTREC Day or Night: 1-800-424-XXXX (Toll Free, USA) / 703-527-XXXX (Virginia, USA) CCN XXXXXX.

Learn More About Our Emergency Response Service

Day 2

On the 2nd Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Hazard(s) Identification!

 This section outlines the hazards associated with the chemical. It's interesting to note that the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) has standardized hazard pictograms and statements, making it easier for users worldwide to understand the risks. 

To learn more about hazard communication standards training course, visit our Learning Academy!

Visit Our Learning Academy

Day 3

On the 3rd Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Composition/Information on Ingredients! 

This section lists the ingredient(s) present in the product, including impurities and stabilizers. Whether the product is a substance or a mixture, different countries have specific requirements on what information will need to be displayed. It’s interesting to note that countries have different cut-off/ contraction limits so GHS classifications may look different across multiple countries! 

You may find additional information relevant on CHEMTREC’s Safety Data Sheet Authoring: Answering the most Frequently Asked Questionsblog.

Read Our Blog

Day 4

On the 4th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on First-Aid Measures! 

This section provides information on first-aid measures in case of exposure. It's interesting to note that the first-aid measures are tailored to the specific hazards of the chemical, and proper understanding is crucial for a first responder. We take pride in supporting first responders across the world. 

CHEMTREC is a proud sponsor of TRANSCAER, an outreach program that helps communities prepare for and respond to possible hazardous materials transportation incidents. 

Learn More About TRANSCAER

Day 5

On the 5th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Firefighting Measures!

 This section describes how to fight a fire involving the chemical. It's interesting that some substances may have unique properties, such as being water-reactive, which means using water for firefighting may be ineffective or even dangerous. 

Be sure you are up to date on your HAZWOPER training!

Sign Up For Our HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher Training Course

Day 6

On the 6th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Accidental Release Measures! 

This section details procedures for handling accidental releases. It's interesting to know that some chemicals may require specialized cleanup methods, and certain spill response measures may be mandated by regulations. 

Make sure you are up to date on all your Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response training!

Learn More About Our HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher Training Course

Day 7

On the 7th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Handling and Storage!

This section provides guidance on safe handling and storage practices. Some chemicals may have specific storage requirements, such as temperature control or segregation from incompatible substances. 

Learn more about CHEMTREC’s General Awareness training course on our Learning Academy! 

Sign Up For Our Hazmat General, Safety and Security Awareness Training Course

Day 8

On the 8th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Exposure Controls/Personal Protection! 

This section identifies established exposure guidelines, appropriate engineering controls and the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). It helps users understand how to protect themselves from potential hazards during the handling of a chemical.

Day 9

On the 9th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Physical and Chemical Properties! 

This section identifies physical and chemical attributes associated with the chemical. This section provides insight into specific properties such as solubility, flashpoint, and vapor pressure- all essential properties for first responders/firefighters to assess a fire hazard appropriately! 

For more information, watch our webinar recording, “Safety Data Sheets - A Vital Tool in the Product Stewardship Toolbox" on our Learning Academy.

Watch Our Webinar

Day 10

On the 10th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Stability and Reactivity!

 This section describes the chemical stability and reactivity of the substance. Some chemicals may be unstable under certain conditions, leading to potentially hazardous reactions. Section 10 is always particularly important in regard to ithium batteries. 

If you missed our latest webinar “Charging Ahead - Lithium Battery Requirements in 2024 and Beyond,” watch the recording in our Learning Academy.

Watch Our Webinar

Day 11

On the 11th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Toxicological Information! 

This section provides information on the potential health effects of exposure. Toxicological data can include delayed, immediate, or chronic effects from short- or long –term chemical exposure, the likely routes of exposure, and the results of animal studies regarding the chemical. 

Learn more about CHEMTREC’s OSHA Hazard Communication Standard training on our Learning Academy.

Sign Up For Our OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Training Course

Day 12

On the 12th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Ecological Information! 

This section offers information on the environmental impact of the chemical, such as its effect on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. This section may include data on ecotoxicity, biodegradability, bioaccumulation, and potential long-term environmental hazards. 

Learn More About Our Learning Academy Courses

Day 13

On the 13th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Disposal Considerations! 

This section provides guidance on the proper disposal methods for a chemical. The recommended disposal methods can vary depending on the properties of the chemical and local regulations. 

Learn more and sign up for CHEMTREC’s HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher training in our Learning Academy.

Sign Up For Our HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher Training Course

Day 14

On the 14th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Transport Information!

 This section contains information about the transportation of chemicals. This section includes details on classification, packaging requirements, and any special precautions for safe transportation. 

Do not forget about our carrier partners in the hazmat supply chain.

Join Our Carrier Information Network

Day 15

On the 15th Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Regulatory Information!

This section summarizes safety, health, and environmental regulations that apply to the chemical. It's interesting to note that compliance with regulations may vary globally, and this section helps users understand the legal obligations associated with the substance. 

Do you need an SDS created? Learn more our SDS Authoring solution and request a quote today!

Learn More About Our SDS Authoring Solution

Day 16

On the 16th and last Day of SDS, CHEMTREC brought to me a section on Other Information! 

This section captures any other relevant information not covered in previous sections (i.e., latest revision of the SDS, contact information for the manufacturer, abbreviation descriptions and details on the preparation and revision of the document).


We hope this overview has provided you with insight into each section of the SDS. CHEMTREC’s SDS Authoring service is designed to create documents tailored specifically to your company that will not only satisfy your SDS and labeling needs but exceed them. 

Ready to start your CHEMTREC SDS Authoring project? Request a quote today! 

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please email our team to get connected to one of our dedicated representatives.

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