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Download PHMSA’s Updated Test Summary Brochure

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February 3, 2022

The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) updated their Lithium Battery Test Summary Brochure. This document may be used as a compliance assistance tool to assist manufacturers and distributors with understanding and implementing the test summary requirement.

There is no set form or format for a lithium battery test summary, but it must include all the required elements, highlighted below:

PHMSA Updated Test Summary Brochure

This helpful brochure also provides sample test summary templates, as well as a helpful question and answers related to this standard.

To ease the burden of complying with this complex regulation, CHEMTREC has created CRITERION®, a document management system for lithium battery test summaries. CRITERION helps companies centralize, organize, access, and distribute lithium battery test summaries as outlined by UN 38.3.

As the industry’s longest serving emergency response information provider, CHEMTREC’s value added services provide powerful protection for your company, resulting in reduced costs, risk, and liability.

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Check out our fact sheet for more details on CHEMTREC's lithium battery test summary service.

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