Quick Guide: Requirements for Transporting Lithium Batteries
Lithium batteries are increasingly being used in electronic devices. And they are everywhere: laptops, cell phones, watches, cameras. This is a good thing, considering the advantages that these products can offer, such as a greater number of cycles and useful life and faster recharging, in some cases.
However, these products are classified as Dangerous Goods because under certain circumstances they can overheat and cause fires, explosions or leaks.
According to data from the Federal Aviation Administration, between 2015 and 2017 there was a significant increase of 30 incidents involving the shipment of lithium-ion batteries.
Therefore, for safety reasons, the transportation of lithium batteries must comply with national and international shipping regulatory requirements.
Considering the importance of understanding the specifications of this product and the regulations related to transportation, we have provided some information in this content that can help in the process of adapting to the regulations.
Why is transporting lithium batteries considered dangerous?
A dangerous item is one that, when transported, presents a risk to health, safety, property, individuals and the environment.
Even though it is a lightweight material, lithium has a high electrochemical potential, in addition to the highest energy density per weight.
Exposing lithium batteries to an external heat source can cause them to go into thermal runaway . Additionally, when overheated, this material can cause leaks, fires, and explosions.
Requirements on the transportation of Lithium batteries
The transportation of lithium batteries underwent changes in its legislation in 2016. To simplify the understanding of the transportation regulations, we have brought the different types of lithium batteries and their respective transportation rules.
Framework for transport
There are several UN numbers for classifying this type of merchandise:
- UN 3480 - Lithium-ion batteries (including lithium-ion polymer batteries);
- UN 3481 - Lithium-ion batteries contained in equipment or lithium-ion batteries packaged with equipment (including lithium-ion polymer batteries);
- UN 3090 - Lithium metal batteries (including lithium alloy batteries);
- UN 3091 - Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment or lithium metal batteries packaged with equipment (including lithium alloy batteries).
Lithium cells or batteries meeting the requirements of Special Provision 188
The symbol must indicate the UN number, preceded by the letters “UN” or “UN ”, i.e. “UN 3090” or “UN 3090” for lithium metal cells or batteries, or “UN 3480” or “UN 3480” for lithium ion cells or batteries.
When lithium cells or batteries are contained in or packaged with equipment , the UN number, preceded by the letters “UN” or “UN”, must be indicated, i.e. “UN 3091” or “UN 3091” or “UN 3481” or “UN 3481”, as applicable. The telephone number provided must enable communication in Portuguese.
Lithium cells or batteries that do not meet the requirements of Special Provision 188
When the lithium content is greater than 1g or its capacity greater than 20 Wh, the requirements established in the Regulation for the Road Transport of Dangerous Goods must be met:
- Nominal capacity information in Wh (Watt-hour) on the outside.
- Identification of volumes, have the UN number, preceded by the letters “ONU” or “UN”, have the risk label 9A as provided for in Special Provision 384.
- Packaging must comply with Packaging Instruction P903 which applies to UN Nos. 3090, 3091, 3480 and 3481.
Emergency telephone number requirements for shipping lithium batteries
Resolution 5848/2019 eliminated the requirement for the Emergency Form model for the transportation of dangerous products. However, the information contained therein continues to be provided by the manufacturers. This means that it is still necessary to inform the actions that must be taken in the event of an emergency and also the emergency telephone number.
This care speeds up the information process in cases of occurrence , allowing for professional assistance that reduces the extent of damage and also the costs involved.
If you deal with the logistics of products that use lithium batteries, it is essential to understand the legislation for this material!
Want to learn more about this subject? We have a complete e-book on requirements for transporting Lithium batteries!Click here to access it for free .
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