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Chemical emergency response in Brazil and Mercosur - part 2, Mercosur

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February 14, 2021

Chemical emergency response in Brazil and Mercosur – part 2, Mercosur

Chemical emergency response in Mercosur

In addition to Brazil, other countries in Mercosur have their own regulations regarding chemical transportation and emergency response. Check them out:


Decree 779/95 approved the Regulations of Law 24,449/95. Annex S refers to the General Regulations for the Road Transport of Dangerous Goods and Chapter IV describes the Procedures in Case of Emergency.

The Secretariat for Environmental Control and Monitoring published Resolution 68/2019, which applies when an incident involving hazardous substances is known, either due to its public repercussions or due to complaints from the jurisdiction or from affected individuals, even if anonymously. It will be up to the enforcement authority to assess the relevance of each case.

In 2007, the Argentine Chamber of Motor Transport of Dangerous Goods (CATAMP) created the Emergency Information Center for Cargo Transport (CIPET), which provides a free, 24-hour telephone line for reporting accidents or incidents involving dangerous cargo. Once an emergency call is received, CIPET® alerts the emergency response agencies closest to the accident site (police, fire departments, hospitals, etc.), as well as the companies that deliver, receive, and transport the cargo.


The Legislation on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods in Paraguay is made available by the National Directorate of Transportation (DINATRAN). It is made available in a segmented manner, according to the subject.

The document called Annex I – Functional Standards for Land Transport, in its Chapter IV establishes the Procedures in Case of Emergency.



Decree 503/003 of 12/31/2003 approved the National Regulation on the Road Transport of Dangerous Goods, which in Chapter IV defines the Procedures in Case of Emergency.

Decree 332/003 of 13/08/2003, approved the Emergency Response Plan for Dangerous Goods on National Routes and Departmental Routes, with the involvement of the following bodies: Ministry of the Interior through the National Fire Department, the Departmental Emergency Councils and the National Emergency Council.

Additionally, Decree 1797 of 01/25/1996 provides for the execution of the Partial Scope Agreement for the Facilitation of the Transportation of Dangerous Products, between Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, of December 30, 1994. In this document, in its Chapter IV, the Procedures in Case of Emergency are defined.

Regardless of the country, the emergency response plan must be prepared according to the scenario and the products transported by each company, as each type of accident and chemical material involved requires a different type of action. And, of course, following the guidelines and regulations of each territory.

If you would like to know more about what to do in case of a chemical emergency, please contact us by phone (11) 97029-4362 or email . Our team of experienced professionals will guide your company to the right level of protection!

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