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CHEMTREC® Introduces Enhanced Incident Reporting Service– Streamlining Regulatory Reporting Efficiency and Compliance

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Press Release

05/06/2024 - 21:14

WASHINGTON (May 6, 2024) — CHEMTREC, a premier provider of emergency response information, now offers enhanced Incident Reporting services encompassing 5800.1 regulatory reporting, enabling companies to simplify compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations by streamlining reporting to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).

Companies already trust CHEMTREC's state-of-the-art 24/7 emergency operations center, which specializes in collecting precise incident details to generate comprehensive and standardized incident reports. ”Now we are taking it a step further by delivering expedient and harmonized regulatory reporting so that companies can identify safety gaps, provide targeted training for personnel, and foster transparent communication across the supply chain,” said Heather Walker, Associate Director of Product Development and Implementation at CHEMTREC. “These efforts collectively contribute to ongoing organizational improvement and help improve hazardous materials safety.”

As a registered entity with PHMSA, CHEMTREC is authorized to submit 5800.1 reports on behalf of your company. For Incident Reporting subscribers, CHEMTREC offers additional assistance by reviewing all incidents and determining if further reporting is necessary based on Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Parts 171-180).

By leveraging CHEMTREC's expertise to collect and submit 5800.1 reports, companies benefit from:

•    Comprehensive and Concise Reporting: Rely on CHEMTREC’s expertise to create thorough reports that meet PHMSA reporting requirements, assisting with regulatory compliance.
•    Time Savings: Save time by reducing manual data entry, enabling more efficient use of resources.
•    Efficiency Gains: Benefit from automated submission and response processes, streamlining regulatory compliance and response times.
•    Accuracy Assurance: Rest easy with CHEMTREC’s verification process, assuring that your data is accepted by PHMSA accurately and without complications.
•    Record Accessibility: Easily access and retrieve incident reports and 5800.1 reports on-demand, fostering organizational transparency and accountability.
•    Simplified Compliance: Experience minimized effort in filing incidents, simplifying the compliance journey and reducing administrative burdens.

For companies seeking simplified regulatory reporting solutions, CHEMTREC's Incident Reporting service offers unparalleled reliability and efficiency, facilitating compliance while enhancing safety practices.

Learn more about 5800.1 regulatory reporting on CHEMTREC's website or contact for more information.

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