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Shipping to Mexico

Shipping to Mexico

Is your company shipping from the United States to Mexico? Are you compliant with Mexican Hazardous Substances regulations? Are you using a local-based emergency response number on your documentation? CHEMTREC offers tailored services to ensure that you are meeting both local and international shipping regulations.

The Mexican Secretariat of Communications and Transportation is responsible for publishing and maintaining the Mexican Standards, which complement the Mexican Regulation for the Land Transport of Hazardous Materials and Wastes. We've created a guide to help companies, like yours, with the complex regulations for the transportation of hazardous goods in Mexico.

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Expand Your Coverage

Upgrade to our Outside Zone Coverage if your company's shipments originate in North America, but they are delivered to countries outside of that area, including Mexico. This service option also includes North American coverage, when you ship to states or regions inside of the U.S. or Canada.

Learn About Our Coverage Options