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Are you ready to comply with the new requirements for lithium battery test summaries?

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July 10, 2019

Are you ready to comply with the new requirements for lithium battery test summaries?

Adopted by the UN and slated for inclusion in 49 CFR and other regulatory standards, the regulation will have a significant impact on the lithium battery industry. Beginning January 2020, manufacturers and distributors of lithium cells and batteries must make available a lithium battery test summary document to everyone in the supply chain. The regulation states that it is acceptable for the provider of the test summary documents to distribute documents electronically through a third-party provider such as CHEMTREC.

CHEMTREC is exploring a lithium battery test summary document management system to assist customers with regulatory compliance. The concept is to develop and manage a database housing a central source for test summary documents. The system will be able to generate documents based on data provided by subscribers. Features would include: 

  • Insurance that test summary documents have specific data elements that are addressed in the regulations. 
  • Capability of generating test summary documents from raw data provided through a secure portal. 
  • Limited requestor access based on customer specifications and security requirements.
  • The ability for customers to securely log into the system to create, upload, modify or download documents. 
  • The ability for CHEMTREC to source test summary documents that are not entered into the system as an additional service for subscribers. 

CHEMTREC's service will significantly minimize the burden of compliance for customers of the system - we are ready to discuss your company needs to meet this regulation. If you need assistance, please contact CHEMTREC Kevin Bryan at or 703-253-4185 or Bob Richards at or 773-540-0837. 

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