Chemical emergency response in Brazil and Mercosur – part 1, Brazil
Chemical emergency response in Brazil and Mercosur – part 1, Brazil
The logistics activity for the transportation of hazardous chemical products is governed by numerous laws, both in Brazil and in Mercosur, regarding the packaging and conditions of the vehicle. This is due to the dangerousness of this type of material and its potential to cause social, environmental and property damage.
But even with all the care and attention, incidents can happen. These cases require appropriate resources and immediate intervention to correctly manage chemical risk.
This is what we call emergency response, which aims to intervene in dangerous situations involving hazardous materials and minimize the damage caused by this accident.
Now, does your company know who to turn to or count on in these emergency situations?
Check out this article for the main information you need to know about chemical emergency response legislation in Brazil and Mercosur and learn how to act in these cases. Enjoy your reading!
Chemical emergency response in Brazil
The dangerousness of these products and the occurrences related to the transportation of these materials raises the alert about the need to respond to emergencies involving dangerous products, requiring the involvement of multiple institutions, such as transport companies, service providers, public bodies and the community.
And, mainly, about the urgency of adapting the standards and requirements of the legislation that governs the transportation of chemical products.
When an accident involving the road transport of dangerous products occurs in Brazilian territory, several entities participate in emergency response.
The agencies responsible for responding to incidents involving the road transportation of hazardous products are the State and Federal Highway Police, the Fire Department, the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo – CETESB, with support from the State Civil Defense Coordination Office – CEDEC, the Municipal Civil Defense Commission – COMDEC and the Department of Highways – DER. We also have the State Environmental Agencies, the State and Municipal Civil Defense Coordination Office, the Department of Highways and Highway Concessionaires.
In these accident situations, those involved in the transportation of dangerous products, such as the carrier, shipper, manufacturer and recipient, must provide all the clarifications requested by the public authorities and must also provide all the necessary support to control the occurrence, whether at the request of the public body, and/or on their own initiative.
Understanding Brazilian Legislation
Below are some laws and regulations related to emergency response in the transportation of chemical products.
According to item 1.1.4 Information and clarifications in case of emergency or accident in the road transportation of dangerous products, of Resolution 5232/2016, the road transporter of dangerous products must communicate, through the National Environmental Emergency System - SIEMA, established by the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources - IBAMA and made available on its electronic address, cases of accidents or emergencies that imply the interruption of traffic on the road or the evacuation of people for more than three hours; cause spreading, loss or spillage of dangerous product; cause leaks or damage to packaging, large packaging or IBCs; cause damage or overturning of transportation equipment or vehicles, such as tank trucks, tank containers and portable tanks; require emergency assistance by the Fire Department, Civil Defense, police agencies, specialized companies, others. This requirement applies to the interstate, intermunicipal or municipal transport of dangerous products and failure to comply with it subjects the offender to the penalties provided for in the Regulation for the Road Transport of Dangerous Products.
Resolution 5848/2019, in its Chapter III, establishes the procedures to be adopted in the event of an emergency, accident or breakdown.
ABNT NBR 14064/2015 Standard establishes the Guidelines for emergency response in the road transport of dangerous products.
ABNT NBR 15408/2018 defines the requirements for the Risk Management Program and Emergency Action Plan.
If you would like to know more about what to do in case of a chemical emergency, please contact us by phone (11) 97029-4362 or email . Our team of experienced professionals will guide your company to the right level of protection!
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